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Brave Boundaries and Burnout Recovery with Sasha Shillcutt, MD: Episode 111

In this episode, we sit down with Dr. Sasha Shillcutt, a renowned cardiac anesthesiologist, tenured professor, and the CEO of Brave Enough. Sasha shares her insights on burnout recovery, setting effective boundaries, and fostering community among professional women. She discusses the unique challenges women face in professional settings and offers practical advice for setting boundaries at work and home.

Episode Highlights:
- Introduction to Dr. Sasha Shillcutt: Sasha is introduced as a superstar guest with extensive experience in cardiac anesthesiology and a significant influence on women in medicine through her community, Brave Enough.
- Sasha's Journey Through Burnout: Sasha recounts her personal experiences with burnout and how it led her to establish boundaries and start Brave Enough.
- The Importance of Boundaries: The critical role of boundaries in professional and personal life is discussed, emphasizing the unique challenges women face in implementing them.
- Strategies for Setting Boundaries: Sasha provides a framework for setting boundaries, including practical steps and examples from her experiences.
- Impact of Community and Support: The importance of community and peer support in overcoming professional challenges and enhancing personal growth is highlighted.
- Brave Enough Conferences: Sasha talks about her conferences designed for high-achieving women, focusing on empowerment, wellness, and work-life design.

Key Quotes:
1. "Boundaries are for people in toxic relationships with themselves."
2. "Even the sun burns if you get too much."

Books Discussed:
- Between Grit and Grace
- Brave Boundaries

Upcoming Events:
- Brave Enough Conference, September 27-30, at a top spa resort in Scottsdale.

Call to Action:
Listeners are encouraged to explore more about setting boundaries and join the Brave Enough community. Details on upcoming conferences and Sasha’s books are provided for those interested in deeper engagement.

How to Connect:
- Visit
- Subscribe to 'The Scoop' weekly newsletter
- Register for the Brave Enough Conference and other events directly through the website

Closing Remarks:
The hosts thank Dr. Sasha Shillcutt for her insights and encourage listeners to implement the strategies discussed to improve their professional lives and personal well-being.


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Dr. Shillcutt’s Books

Brave Enough Conference