What's the ICD-10 Code for Injury Sustained in a Dumpster Fire?

Hosted by THE WHOLE PHYSICIAN: Dr. Dinsmore, Dr. Morrison, and Dr. Cazier, Board-Certified Emergency Physicians and Certified Physician Coaches

Join us for this FREE class. Sign up here!


You are feeling completely fried from working in what has become an absolute dumpster fire. 


You won't want to miss this class, so mark your calendar.


What you'll learn:


  • Why you feel so terrible-- it's not what you think.


  • How you have likely been affected by unconscious programming for years, and how it's contributing to your symptoms of burnout now.


  • How practicing medicine sets us up for secondary traumatic stress. . .and how physicians need a special process to recover.


  • How to find the path to sanity and a sustainable practice of medicine. . .and how it's easier than you might think. 

When you sign up for the free webinar, you'll have immediate access to our free pdf, "Mindset Hacks for Doctors." 

This one simple pdf can help you start feeling better today.