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Dimitrios Tsatiris, M.D. on Developing a Healthy Relationship with Achievement: Episode 106

In this episode, we're joined by Dr. Dimitrios Tsatiris, a psychiatrist with a passion for helping people manage anxiety and develop a healthy relationship with achievement. Dr. Tsatiris discusses the interface between anxiety and high achievers, the importance of kindness, and the myths surrounding success and happiness.

Key Points:
- Empowering People to Overcome Anxiety: Dr. Tsatiris emphasizes the importance of breaking free from the shackles of anxiety to foster a healthy relationship with achievement.
- The Interface of Anxiety and Achievement: There's a significant interplay between anxiety and the drive for success, especially among high achievers.
- The Role of Kindness: Kindness is not a barrier to success; it's a strength that can improve mental health and societal well-being.
- Three Myths About Success: Dr. Tsatiris debunks myths that success equals happiness, kindness is a barrier to success, and self-worth is determined by the level of success.
- The Importance of a Healthy Relationship with Achievement: It's crucial to pursue goals without sacrificing mental health, relationships, and overall well-being.

Upcoming Events:
- Revitalized Physician Women's Retreat: Join us from April 5th to 7th in Huntington Beach for a weekend of sunshine and community.

- Follow Dr. Dimitrios Tsatiris: On social media at @DrDimitrios and visit his website at
- Wellness 911 Online Course: Check out our program at to transform demoralized doctors from fried to fantastic.

Closing Thoughts:
Achievement is important, but it's essential to maintain a healthy balance and not let it consume our lives. Let's strive for success while nurturing our mental health and relationships.


Resources mentioned:

TedX Talk: Why Success Won’t Make You Happy

Psychology Today Blog: Anxiety in High Achievers

Instagram: @drdimitrios

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