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A Doctor's Brush with Death (Dr. Grace Glassman's Incredible Story): Episode 103

In this episode, we're joined by Dr. Grace Glassman, an emergency physician with a remarkable story of resilience and survival. After a near-fatal postpartum hemorrhage, Dr. Glassman shares her journey back to health and the insights she gained about life, medicine, and the power of humor in the face of adversity.

 Dr. Grace Glassman, Emergency Physician at Maimonides Medical Center, Brooklyn, New York.

**Key Points:**

1. **Introduction:** Dr. Grace Glassman's background as an emergency physician and her unique path to medicine.
2. **The Fateful Day:** The story of Dr. Glassman's third C-section and the unexpected postpartum hemorrhage that nearly cost her life.
3. **The Power of Teamwork:** The crucial role played by the medical team in saving Dr. Glassman's life and the importance of every member of the healthcare system.
4. **A New Perspective:** How the experience changed Dr. Glassman's outlook on life, medicine, and the small moments that bring joy.
5. **Advice for Living Fully:** Dr. Glassman's thoughts on finding happiness in the everyday and the importance of being content with what we have.

**Quotable Moments:**

- "I was walking on clouds for the first six months of my baby's life, nothing could bring me down."
- "The joy of life is in the small moments, the banal. That's where the happiness is."
- "We are living the lives we tried so hard to be in. We're there."

**Connect with Dr. Grace Glassman:**

- Twitter: [@GraceBogeyMD](
- LinkedIn: [Dr. Grace Glassman](


**Closing Thoughts:** Dr. Grace Glassman's story is a powerful reminder of the fragility of life and the importance of cherishing every moment. Her resilience and positive outlook serve as an inspiration to all healthcare professionals and anyone facing challenges in their lives.


Remember to subscribe to our podcast for more inspiring stories and insights from the medical community.


Slate Article

X: @GraceBogeyMD

LinkedIN: GraceGlassman

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