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Building Self-Trust and Overcoming Perfectionism: Episode 102

In this episode, we delve into the concept of self-trust and the BRAVING criteria, inspired by Brené Brown's book "The Gifts of Imperfection." We discuss the transition from adaptive high achievers to maladaptive perfectionists, the signs of perfectionism, and the importance of self-compassion. We also explore the seven elements of BRAVING: Boundaries, Reliability, Accountability, Vault, Integrity, Nonjudgment, and Generosity, and how they can help rebuild self-trust and overcome perfectionism.

1. Perfectionism in Medicine:The journey from adaptive high achiever to maladaptive perfectionist, characterized by unrealistic expectations, self-sacrifice, and imposterism.
2. Self-Compassion: The antidote to perfectionism, comprising self-kindness, common humanity, and mindfulness.
3. Rebuilding Self-Trust: The first step in overcoming perfectionism, focusing on being reliable, accountable, and maintaining integrity.
4. BRAVING  A mnemonic for building self-trust:
- **B**oundaries: Establishing and respecting personal limits.
- **R**eliability: Following through on commitments to oneself.
- **A**ccountability: Owning up to mistakes and learning from them.
- **V**ault: Maintaining confidentiality and respecting privacy.
- **I**ntegrity: Acting in alignment with personal values.
- **N**onjudgment: Offering and seeking help without judgment.
- **G**enerosity: Extending grace and forgiveness to oneself and others.
5. **Practical Application:** Encouragement to reflect on personal values, embrace learning from failures, and practice generosity and grace in daily life.

**Resources Mentioned:**
- "The Gifts of Imperfection" by Brené Brown
- Research by Dr. Kristin Neff on self-compassion

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 Remember, you are whole, you are a gift to medicine, and the work you do matters.