#8: Thought Errors 4/5

In this episode, we continue with the 4th of the 5 part series on the 15 most common thought errors. In episodes #3-4 we went over how to try to identify the thought that is causing your negative (or positive) feelings. After you’ve processed the feeling, it’s important to look at if the causative thought is even true, useful in any way, or if there are any other alternatives to consider.  This series starts to examine the thought to consider if it falls within any of the 15 most common thought errors. 

Distortions 10-12/15:

  • "should statements"statements like "I should be exercising more" create expectations that are not likely to be met. The pressure created from the “should statements” makes it difficult to meet those expectations, when the failure occurs there is guilt and frustration, which makes you less likely to make another attempt.
  • emotional reasoningany feeling must be true in their mind. The emotion is accepted as fact because all logical reasoning is blocked out and it incorrectly assumes the negative feeling is the only truth.
  • control fallacies - (2 subtypes)
    • external control fallacy is the belief that a person's life is completely controlled by external factors and fate has already been decided. This distortion creates the feeling that we have no control over our situation.
    • internal control fallacy is the belief that a person has complete control, not only of themselves, but also their surroundings. So, you can assume that you are responsible for not only the pain of yourself and others, but also their happiness.

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